Uplift – Sativa THC Tincture


Product Details

About Uplift – Sativa THC Tincture

King Harvest Uplift tincture is a coconut oil infused Cannabis Sativa THC rich therapy that can be used for a wide array of symptoms and diagnoses.

  • Pain relief, focus, and positivity
  • 100% organic, flower only Sativa
  • Increased mental focus, critical thinking skills, energy, and positivity
  • Energizing without the downside of feeling sedated or unnecessarily high
  • Excellent physical therapy and rehabilitation oil
  • Recommended to be used as the daytime component to our critical illness support packages for those who wish to remain working while they are undergoing treatment

Treats the Following Conditions

Customer Reviews

Based on 8 reviews
This has been a true gift!

My sativa review:

I have been using Uplift for a few weeks now and I am so grateful and happy about some of the changes I have experienced with it! For context, I am. 46 year old woman who thought maybe this is perimenopause hormones.
Uplift has been remarkable for me! I have tried lots of things in my life and done a lot of transformational work trying to overcome a dysfunctional childhood. I have seen many family members self medicate with cannibis my whole life and had tremendous judgements of indulgence and excuses. I, myself, also indulged in my teen years to excess for recreational use and after a while I noticed I didn’t like the way I felt on it and stopped using it altogether for the last couple decades. I did make an attempt to use it once in a while when it was around me and always came away not understanding how this was fun and I clearly was missing something from the experience. I wondered if I was allergic to it because my reaction seemed extreme for even the smallest dose and was hugely unpleasant. I became paranoid and even more critical of myself.
Recently someone told me about uplift in the context of using it to help with anxiety and overwhelm, which are the two main issues I struggle with that have only seemed to get worse and I was at a loss to know how to remedy. I was in a cycle where I desperately wanted to be around people and have connections , but the social anxieties were making that impossible. I would want to be around people and then get anxious and vigilant and uptight. Turns out people don’t like to be around someone who is anxious and vigilant and uptight, so I was having trouble making friends in ways I never had experienced before. I started to question my identity, since all around me there was evidence that I was unlikeable. This made me very sad and depressed and lacking hope. This was over the course of years and my social engagement and desire for it only decreased and decreased leading to even less fun and connection in my life.
The last few weeks I have really been trying to have more happiness in my life. I figured what good does all of the work I am doing on myself do if I can’t enjoy my life? Even if my enjoyment has to be alone because it seems as though people don’t want to be around me, I still want to find ways to be happier and have some fun. So I decided to give this a try. I had recently tried getting some help with a diabetes drug after years of battling it on my own and failing and I had started to make headway there. I also had started taking a sleep supplement that had helped me to change my whole schedule from a night owl to a morning person. It was incredible and I decided that if I could accept some helpful supplements in those areas, maybe I could have some support in being happier, as well.
I’m glad I did! Uplift has helped me in ways I hadn’t even anticipated! Somehow and someway it has been able to do the impossible that I haven’t been able to do my whole life; and that is to quiet my critical mind, which is mostly directed at myself and has been quite perfectionistic and often paralyzingly so. When I take the uplift before going to social settings, it helps me to calm my vigilance, be less uptight, and just enjoy myself and the company around me more. Turns out that when I am calmer, I can be myself and people actually do like being around me. I can be funny and charming and delightful and much more easy going. I feel more connected to the way I used to be. I would not have thought that there was a way to change how I think, but I am glad that I came across it. I feel like a changed person.
I have heard that confidence is how you feel about your own abilities to overcome any situation. Over the years my confidence had continued to deplete down to dismal levels. I had no confidence in my ability to find a way back to being social or even just plain having fun. I feel that this has given me hope and confidence. I am so grateful. How does it get any better than that?!
I had no idea about the different types of cannibis. I had heard terms thrown around in more recent years, but I always just assumed I had tried my cannibis use when I was younger and it just didn’t work for me. Who knew that with a smaller dose of the right kind, it could have a completely different effect?! That is what seems to have happened so far for me. When I take the sativa, I feel happier. I don’t feel “high” in an out of it kinda way that indica does, I just feel happier. I can tell there is more of a cognitive delay, but there is also an almost total absence of that critical mindset that has put in so much overtime in my mind my whole life, so that trade off is totally worth it!

Hi Elle, your story and journey is quite incredible. It is humbling to hear that our medicine, and in the case Uplift, has had such an impact on you getting your life back. We are always here for you and keep on improving. Sounds like you're doing great!

Dan Ray
Just not effective in relieving pain or assisting with sleep

When my wife started with King Harvest, the results were amazing. However, over the past couple of months, the products have not reduced her chronic pain nor have they assisted with her sleep. WE loved the products for the first few months, but now we are discouraged with the results.

Hi Dan, have you increased the doses? Just like any compound, we build a tolerance and have to adjust up the amount we take to get the same relief. See how that works.

Ginger Gatlin


Mikyta Daugherty

Uplift - Sativa THC Tincture

Alisha Walker

Uplift - Sativa THC Tincture

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