FECO vs RSO: Benefits, How FECO and RSO is Made, and Dosage Recommendations

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Due to their possible medicinal advantages, FECO and RSO are two varieties of medical cannabis oil that have grown in popularity in the medical community. FECO is for Full Extract Cannabis Oil, whereas RSO, named after the proponent of medicinal cannabis who popularized its use, stands for Rick Simpson Oil.

Despite the fact that FECO and RSO are produced from the cannabis plant in distinct ways, they have certain commonalities in terms of their chemical makeup and therapeutic advantages. They are well renowned for having high concentrations of THC and CBD, two of the cannabis plant’s most potent and well-known cannabinoids.

Patients with a range of diseases, including chronic pain, cancer, anxiety, and seizures, among others, have taken FECO and RSO. These oils are thought to improve patient’s overall quality of life and aid in symptom relief.

We shall examine the distinctions between FECO and RSO, their methods of extraction, health advantages, and applications in the sections that follow. Together with safety advice and instructions, we will also offer a step-by-step tutorial for anyone who wants to create their own FECO or RSO at home.

What is FECO?

Full Extract Cannabis Oil, also known as FECO, is a potent type of cannabis oil that includes all of the plant’s constituents and cannabinoids, such as THC and CBD as well as other minor cannabinoids and terpenes. It is produced utilizing a solvent-based extraction method, which includes soaking the plant material in an extractant like ethanol to draw out the active ingredients.

While the extraction procedure for FECO is comparable to that for RSO, the finished product is usually more potent and purified. This is due to the fact that the solvent used for FECO is typically stronger, resulting in a higher cannabinoid concentration and cleaner oil.

FECO comes in a variety of forms, including balanced formulations, high-THC formulations, and high-CBD formulations. Every formulation is suggested for a distinct condition and has a different set of medical advantages.

Many medical advantages of FECO have recently been widely researched. Among other things, it has been demonstrated to have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-anxiety, and anti-tumor properties. Also, it is thought to lessen the symptoms of illnesses like cancer, epilepsy, chronic pain, and multiple sclerosis.

FECO can be ingested orally, applied topically, or inhaled, among other ways. According on the patient’s demands and tolerance, different dosages of FECO are advised, however it is normally advised to start with a low dose and progressively raise it over time. Before using FECO, it’s crucial to speak with a medical practitioner, especially if you have a pre-existing disease or are taking medication.

What is RSO?

RSO, or Rick Simpson Oil, is a variety of cannabis oil that bears the name of the proponent of medicinal marijuana which made it popular. It is produced utilizing a solvent-based extraction method that entails soaking the cannabis plant material in a solvent, like ethanol, to draw out the active ingredients.

The extraction method for RSO is comparable to that for FECO, but the end product is often less refined and requires a long soak period. As a result, the oil has a stronger flavor and aroma of cannabis and is darker and more viscous than FECO.

RSO comes in a variety of forms, including balanced formulations, high-THC formulations, and high-CBD formulations. Every formulation is suggested for a distinct condition and has a different set of medical advantages.

The medicinal advantages of RSO are comparable to those of FECO and have recently been the subject of substantial research. Among other things, it has been demonstrated to have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-anxiety, and anti-tumor properties. Also, it is thought to lessen the symptoms of illnesses like cancer, epilepsy, chronic pain, and multiple sclerosis.

RSO can be ingested orally, applied topically, or inhaled, among other methods. Depending on the patient’s demands and tolerance, different dosages for RSO are advised, however, it is typically advised to start with a low dose and progressively raise it over time. Before using RSO, it’s crucial to speak with a medical practitioner, especially if you have a pre-existing disease or are taking medication.

Difference between FECO and RSO

While FECO and RSO have certain parallels in their extraction methods, chemical makeup, and health advantages, they also have some clear distinctions.

Comparing extraction techniques

The solvents utilized and the duration of the extraction process can vary, but both FECO and RSO are produced utilizing a solvent-based extraction method. While RSO is frequently manufactured using naphtha or a similar petroleum-based solvent, FECO is typically made using ethanol or CO2. Moreover, a long soak period is frequently used in the extraction of RSO, which can lead to a less refined end product.

Chemical composition variations:

High quantities of THC and CBD are present in both FECO and RSO, however, the ratios of these cannabinoids might change depending on the formulation. With higher cannabinoid concentrations and a cleaner oil, FECO has the tendency to be more potent and refined than RSO. RSO, on the other hand, has a stronger taste and aroma of cannabis and is often less refined and viscous.

Medical benefit variations:

Despite the fact that both FECO and RSO have been proven to offer several health advantages, there are some variances in the particular illnesses they are advised for. While RSO is frequently suggested for more serious disorders like cancer and epilepsy, FECO is frequently suggested for ailments including chronic pain, anxiety, and inflammation. Yet, depending on the demands of the individual, each oil’s precise formulation and dosage may change.

Which is preferable in particular circumstances:

In the end, a person’s needs and preferences will determine whether or not they choose FECO or RSO. For individuals seeking oil that is more potent and refined, FECO might be a better option than RSO, which has a stronger cannabis flavor and scent and is less refined but more viscous. The precise formulation and dose of each oil can also change based on the requirements of the individual and the disease being treated. Before utilizing FECO or RSO, it’s crucial to speak with a medical expert.

How to make your own FECO or RSO

Making your own FECO or RSO at home can be a cost-effective way to obtain these oils, but it requires some knowledge and precautions. Here is a step-by-step guide to making FECO or RSO at home:

Step 1: Gather your materials

You will need cannabis flower or trim, a solvent such as ethanol or naphtha, a rice cooker or double boiler, a mixing bowl, a coffee filter or cheesecloth, and a glass container to store the oil.

Step 2: Decarboxylate the cannabis

Decarboxylation is the process of heating the cannabis to activate the cannabinoids. To decarboxylate your cannabis, preheat your oven to 240°F (115°C) and place your cannabis on a baking sheet. Bake for 30-40 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the cannabis is lightly browned and fragrant.

Step 3: Soak the cannabis in the solvent

Place the decarboxylated cannabis in a mixing bowl and cover it with the solvent. Mix well, then let the mixture sit for at least an hour, stirring occasionally.

Step 4: Strain the mixture

Using a coffee filter or cheesecloth, strain the mixture to remove the plant material.

Step 5: Evaporate the solvent

Pour the filtered mixture into a rice cooker or double boiler and heat it until most of the solvent has evaporated. This will leave you with a thick, viscous oil.

Step 6: Store the oil

Once the oil has cooled, store it in a glass container in a cool, dark place.

Safety precautions and tips for making FECO or RSO:

Work in a well-ventilated area to avoid inhaling fumes from the solvent.
Wear gloves and eye protection to avoid skin contact with the solvent.
Do not use an open flame or heat source near the solvent, as it is highly flammable.
Use a high-quality, food-grade solvent and make sure it is completely evaporated before consuming the oil.
Start with a small amount of cannabis and solvent to minimize the risk of fire or explosion.
Always consult with a healthcare professional before using FECO or RSO, especially if you have a pre-existing medical condition or are taking medication.

Experience the Healing Power of Cannabis Oil with King Harvest’s High-Quality FECO Products

As a result of their possible medicinal advantages, FECO and RSO are two varieties of cannabis oil that have grown in favor in the medical community. There are several obvious differences between the two, despite the fact that both have been demonstrated to provide significant medical advantages.

King Harvest Wellness is dedicated to offering our patients top-notch, lab-tested FECO cannabis products that are uniquely suited to their unique requirements. We use a solvent-based extraction procedure to create our medicinal FECO products, and we provide a variety of formulations to address various diseases.

FECO often has higher THC concentrations and a cleaner oil than RSO, making it more potent and refined than the latter. RSO, on the other hand, has a stronger taste and aroma of cannabis and is often less refined and viscous. Depending on the precise formulation and dosage, both oils might be suggested for various conditions.

Before using either oil for pain treatment, anyone who wants to try FECO or RSO should speak with a healthcare provider. The cost-effectiveness of making your own FECO or RSO at home depends on your level of expertise and safety measures, though.

The definitions and explanations of FECO and RSO, their extraction procedures, the various types of each oil that are available, their health benefits, dosage suggestions, the distinctions between the two oils, and information about King Harvest Wellness’ FECO products are, in summary, the main topics covered in this article. We urge readers to think about FECO and RSO as potential natural treatments and speak with a healthcare provider to ascertain whether they would be helpful for their particular ailment. For a chance to personally experience cannabis oil’s possible therapeutic advantages, try one of our FECO products today.